committed to OPEN INTERNET

Open Internet Principles of NETEO, Inc.
The Federal Communications Commission issued rules to preserve the Internet as an open platform. These rules went into effect on November 20, 2011 and can be found at this link. All Internet service providers are required to post information regarding various issues so that consumers, both residential and business, can make informed choices about choosing an Internet service provider. This document contains information regarding our services and is in compliance with the FCC’s rules. The policies contained herein serve as a supplement to the existing terms of service.

The FCC’s rules focus on four primary issues:

- Transparency. Fixed and mobile broadband providers must disclose the network management practices, performance characteristics, and terms and conditions of their broadband services;
- No blocking. Fixed broadband providers may not block lawful content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices; mobile broadband providers may not block lawful Web sites, or block applications that compete with their voice or video telephony services; and
- No unreasonable discrimination. Fixed broadband providers may not unreasonably discriminate in transmitting lawful network traffic.
- Reasonable network management. ISPs may engage in reasonable network management to maintain a high quality of service for broadband Internet access.

Network Practices
ISPs must disclose their network practices, specifically in the four general areas listed below. ISPs may not block lawful content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices, subject to reasonable network management. An ISP may not block consumers from accessing lawful Web sites, subject to reasonable network management; nor shall the ISP block applications that compete with the provider’s voice or video telephony services, subject to reasonable network management. ISPs may not unreasonably discriminate in transmitting lawful network traffic over a consumer’s broadband Internet access service, although, reasonable network management shall not constitute unreasonable discrimination. The FCC’s rules state that a network management practice is reasonable if it is appropriate and tailored to achieving a legitimate network management purpose, taking into account the particular network architecture and technology of the broadband Internet access service.

Congestion Management:
NETEO maintains high availability and reach-ability targets by managing Tier 1 upstream providers and load balancing incoming and outgoing traffic. Traffic on each egress path is monitored by the Operations staff and reviewed by Engineering for bandwidth management and forecasting.

All transit traffic is managed without regard to application, unless a specific customer requests or negotiates application specific limitations for that customer’s access link(s). Standard datalink and network prioritization settings are honored within our transit network. Connecting to multiple providers (including at least one but preferably two Tier I providers) allows for higher performance and lower transit times for customer traffic, getting traffic from the sending network to the receiving network by traversing the fewest number of transit networks.

Each egress link is managed with a goal of less than 70% peak utilization while still allowing for the most direct path between internal and external IP networks. If utilization exceeds these targets, routes are adjusted to move traffic to a path with lesser utilization. If utilization reaches or exceeds 70% of total committed bandwidth for a hub location over a 3-month period, then subscription increases are recommended by Engineering and reviewed by Management.

Application-Specific Behavior:
All transit traffic is managed without regard to application, unless a specific customer requests or negotiates application specific limitations for that customer’s access link(s). Standard datalink and network prioritization settings are honored within our transit network.

Device Attachment Rules:
Customer devices are not restricted by type, though NETEO may require NETEO-owned equipment as termination for access circuits at the customer location.

Internet connectivity is sold as an open connection between the customer and the Internet, though customers may choose to purchase security services separately from the connectivity services. NETEO maintains industry standard engineering practices to secure its network.

Performance Characteristics:
ISPs must disclose the following network performance characteristics:

Service Description:
NETEO provides broadband access via Wireless, and Ethernet services. Transit times to cross the network are generally less than 80 ms and average less than 20 ms. With proper end-user device configuration, connections are suitable for real-time services.

Impact of Specialized Services:
NETEO offers managed voice services. All specialized services delivered by NETEO include prioritized traffic implementation in accordance with parameters specified by or recommended to the customer to ensure the proper availability and quality of all services.

Privacy Policies

Redress Options:
NETEO maintains and manages a technical support staff to handle trouble reports, acceptable use violations, and other service inquiries.

FCC NoticeIf a customer believes that these open Internet rules are not being met, the customer may file an informal complaint at the Federal Communications Commission. The FCC urges customers to submit any complaints via its website at the following address. Customers may also file a formal complaint at the FCC using Part 76 of the Commission’s rules.

Additional Disclaimers
The Open Internet Rules, as adopted, and these Open Internet Principles are not intended to affect, alter or otherwise supersede the legal status of cooperative efforts by broadband Internet Access Service Providers and other service providers that are designed to curtail infringement in response to information provided by rights holders in a manner that is timely, effective, and accommodates the legitimate interests of the company, rights holders, and end users. Furthermore, the FCC’s Open Internet Rules, as adopted, and this company’s Open Internet Principles do not prohibit the company from making reasonable efforts to address the transfer of unlawful content or unlawful transfers of content. For additional information, please review the Acceptable Use Policy.

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